How to recruit and work with freelancers using Firmbee?
Find the important steps below and watch our video to get exact information on how to perform these actions inside the system.
1. Go to the Coworking module, create an HR profile and fill in all the details regarding the freelancer position.
2. Choose team members which will be responsible for the search.
3. Create project and kanban board dedicated to the search. Add all issues related to the recruitment and assign the issues to chosen team members.
4. Track project progress in real time.
5. Create notes, add comments, and share recruitment information at scale.
6. Create an job ad in the job ad module. Job ads will let you track all your job ads on different websites.
7. Receive reminders about expiring job ads.
8. Make appointments with freelancers and add important deadlines to your calendar.
9. Review, save and organize incoming applications.
10. After successful recruitment, turn a Candidate into a Coworker and start cooperating inside the system.
11. If the recruitment was carried out for external purposes, sum up the recruitment costs and send an invoice to your client.
12. Track the client’s payment status in the finance module.