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Monday (16.06.2024), 05:30 - 09:30 UTC

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Hire and work with freelancers

From recruitment to payment – a Freelancer Management System which covers all your business activities.

No credit card required

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Freelance Management szescian

Search for freelancers

Carry out the entire recruitment process using our system.

Create HR profiles, define candidate requirements, run interviews, evaluate & qualify candidates. Keep a list of all your past, present and future recruitments along with their statuses and priorities.

  • Store candidates portfolios, CV and assessments.
  • Set reminders for follow-ups or upcoming job interviews.
  • Track the time and cost related to a given search.
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Freelance Management szescian

Make collaborative hiring a reality

Spark engagement in your recruitment team.

Use our freelancer management system to keep all details related to your hiring processes in one place for everyone. Build hiring workflows, track the work of recruits, and gain insights on where your HR team’s time goes. Distribute tasks related to the recruitment process and track the progress with a bird’s eye view.


Freelance Management szescian

Keep your contacts organized

Use CRM tools to organize all contact details.

Keep all data regarding your freelancers and clients sorted and structured.

  • Use lead generation forms to collect candidate information straight from your WordPress webpage.
  • Use advanced filters to search for information linked with your business contacts such as documents, files, clauses.
  • Keep a list of transactions related to a given search and track the status of the payments.
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Freelance Management szescian

Benefit from the project management module

Facilitate effective teamwork.

Set projects and distribute tasks between teams – you can create your own customized workflows. Track freelancers and coworkers activities and time logs. Always know who’s doing what, what’s the stage of a project and how much a given activity takes. Create personal to-do lists and notes, track issues, receive reminders, and never miss a deadline.

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Freelance Management szescian

Issue invoices directly from the system

Gain a real-time visibility of your finances.

Understand your cash flow by tracking revenues, expenses and payment statuses. Keep an eye on your project budget and easily notice when you’re exceeding it. Set custom rates, calculate freelancer costs and learn about the profitability of your projects. Use the gathered information to automate your accounting processes and issue invoices straight from the system.

For several industries

Thanks to its endless possibilities and customization options, Firmbee is a good fit for many types of businesses, including:

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Rating: 5.0

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Rating: 5.0

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Rating: 5.0

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Set and accomplish your

team goals with Firmbee


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1.2 M

users trusted
our solutions 


of experts

+50 M 

documents yearly

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