Download the latest version of our plugin: Firmbee LinkedIn Plugin.
The plugin works in development mode. Click here to read the installation guide.
LinkedIn Firmbee plugin
To enable the plugin log yourself in on In a new tab open web-page and log yourself in there.

On LinkedIn open the profile of the candidate you wish to add to Firmbee.

Click Add to Firmbee green button and wait for the script to create candidate’s profile in Firmbee.

When the candidate’s profile is created, its detailed view will be displayed. The profile is already on the list of candidates and now you may edit all details by clicking the Edit blue button. You may stop here and go back to LinkedIn and add more candidates.

Trouble shooting
If error notification with the message: You need to be logged in Firmbee to add candidate, appears, close all tabs in your browser, and then open tab and once more log yourself in.