Management of freelancers causes many difficulties for the employer, but having a freelancer on the employment list means that our company may gain really good specialist. We have created a short guide to help you use the full potential of freelancers.
Hiring freelancers – table of contents:
- Freelancer – your new employee
- Objectives setting and monitoring
- Concentrate on proper communication
- Develop attainable schedule
- Feedback
- Summary
Freelancer – your new employee
Use of services of freelancers and contract workers is a great way to employ best talents cheaply and a chance to increase productivity of your company. Accordingly to the annual survey called “Freelancing in America” made by Upwork and Freelancers Union as many as 57 million of Americans – that is 35% of work force in the USA – has worked as freelancers in 2019. This number represents an increase of 4 million comparing to 2014.
The study shows as well that Americans view freelancing not only as the additional source of income but a long term career option. In 2014 the percentage of freelancers working full-time was 17%, but in 2019 was already 28%.
This shows that this model of work has become more popular and is that freelance services are used more often than before. Still, freelance work system brings many challenges. Independent contractors usually work remotely or part-time therefore full utilization of their skills requires another set management tactics. How then fully use the potential of freelancers employed by your company?

Objectives setting and monitoring
The key aspect of full exploit the potential of freelancers is defining early the main objectives alongside the execution time and available budget. Establishment of the purpose of the given project allows keeping track of the progress in realization.
All goals have to be clearly defined,so the both parties know what there are striving for, goals have to be measurable, to be able to check the progress of work. Monitoring of the goals fulfillment allows checking the progress of implementation in real time, as well as supports quick reaction in case of unwanted occurrences.
Concentrate on proper communication
The next extremely important aspect is the proper communication between the company and the freelancer. What is proper communication? Above all, it is has to be clear for both parties and all the guidelines have to be given ahead of time.
The language for communication between the company and the freelancer should be specific, understandable and clear. Information given should contain broad instruction and more detailed guidelines. The proper communication is timely communication, and this means that all suggestions should be passed efficiently and promptly, so the freelancers could see that the company respects them and their time.
Freelancers usually have more than one assignments, quick hence communication allows them to plan their schedules so they can accomplish all their project on time.
Develop attainable schedule
At the beginning of the cooperation with the freelancer a schedule should be developed, both parties have some expectations and needs, hence this should be sorted out and clarified. The schedule has to contain attainable goals. The freelancer has to adjust his own time tables to the new schedule, before starting work, some changes may be needed.
Viability of the schedule is very important – it would be greatly inconvenient to find out that our freelancer is unable to finish the task during the realization of the project.
To use the full potential of the freelance employee both parties have to discuss all the details of the schedule before starting work on the project. The information about completion time of each stage of the project and the final completion date are crucial parts of the arrangements.

Alongside the clear and understandable communication, freelancers should be offered feedback regarding their work. Independent specialist usually do not work in traditional settings, they work from home and not in the office, where they could hear comments about their work from their supervisors or colleagues.
All the information passed to the freelancer should be truthful and constructive. The employer should not avoid telling what is wrong at the each step of project’s realization. Insincere feedback is misleading. As a result, the freelancer cannot make necessary corrections to his work process and is convinced that he does everything properly.
Your feedback has to be sincere and constructive, your freelancer has to know if any amendments are needed, and this allows him do his tasks to the best of his ability. If no objections is raised to the freelancer’s work the employer may acknowledge his engagement. Nice gestures encourage partnership between both parties.
All ideas listed above may be seen as the basics for better use of freelancer’s potential in the company. Enterprises may gain a lot from this flexible form of cooperation, since they may benefit greatly from the knowledge and experience of chosen specialist.
To experience of all positive effects of freelance work, the company has to be well-prepared ahead, goals have to clearly determined and the viable schedule established. All the arrangements should be made with clear, proper, and transparent communication accompanied with constructive, unbiased, and realistic feedback.
Read also: How to implement freelance management system
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Author: Zofia Lipska
With over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, Sophia not only knows the rules of this industry but above all knows how to break them in order to achieve outstanding and creative results.