When creating your business offering, it is crucial to determine how to entice people to buy it. But how do you do this when competition is so fierce these days? The basis is to present a unique selling proposition in your communications. In this article, you’ll learn how you can boost your company’s sales with a well-constructed USP!

What is a unique selling proposition?

The USP, or unique selling proposition, is so important because it is what determines whether a customer will choose your offer. It is a unique benefit, the strengths you guarantee to your audience. It can become a sound basis for your entire brand marketing strategy.

Keep in mind that these will not be universal features of your service like free delivery, return policy, etc., which are the basics that every business now offers.

Features of a good USP

What features should a well-prepared unique selling proposition have? These are:

  • Customer-focused – most successful marketing strategies are based on putting the customer at the center. This is necessary because any purchase of goods or services is based on the desire to satisfy various needs or solve problems. The goal is to convince the recipient that deciding on your offer will enable them to do just that.
  • It must carry value in its message – this refers to the benefits, the deeper message, and the consumer’s hierarchy of values. This way you’ll successfully pitch new customers and convince them of the uniqueness of your product.
  • Assertive, courageous – you have to prove with substantive arguments your dominance over competing companies. What sets you apart from others?
  • Unique – the product should have properties unique only to it, so that no one else, can copy it.

How to increase sales with a USP?

In a few steps, we will tell you what you should pay attention to during the process of creating a unique selling proposition, and then we will cite some examples of applications.

  1. List all the features of your product that you would like to highlight in your marketing message. It’s also a good idea for you to be able to characterize your buyer persona – demographic characteristics, the lifestyle they lead, and most importantly, the wants, needs, and problems they face. Based on this, you will know what values and product features, will matter most.
  2. Observe your competitors – what do they offer, to whom, and how? What are the differences between theirs and your product? What are their strengths, what is their USP, and what are their disadvantages? What strategic gaps do you see? Compare the information you have gathered.
  3. Decide where you will place your USP. This can be represented by:
    • Product features – quality, features, durability
    • Customer service – quality, communication with the consumer, ability to contact through various communication channels (hotline, e-mail, mail, social media, etc.), method of complaints, return policy
    • Market position – if you are already relatively established in the market, this may be your unique selling proposition. You distinguish yourself by a particular feature from your competitors.
    • Communication of the brand, its mission, name or services offered. Ideally, you should use different communication channels for this, e.g. social media, blog and video. Such diversification allows you to reach a wider audience and everyone can find the form that suits them best. It is worthwhile for you to differentiate your product in some way. You can use for this, for example, elements of gamification. If there are various events, conferences, and meetings in your industry, where you can make new contacts and also promote your USP.

Examples of using a unique selling proposition

Death Wish Coffee

The coffee manufacturer offers the strongest coffee in the world, which can only be purchased online. It is dedicated to a specific target group that is looking for “extreme” coffee, which guarantees the highest caffeine content – 200% more than competing brands. In addition, if you decide after tasting it that it is not the strongest coffee in the world – you will receive a refund.


The USP of car rental company Avis is a catchy slogan. We are number two. We try harder. This is a reference to the fact that Avis is the second-largest company in the industry. An apparent disadvantage has been turned into an advantage, something positive that draws the attention of the recipient.


It’s a company that sells outdoor, hiking apparel. Its USP is not so much about benefits, but about values that many people can identify with – We’re in Business To Save Our Home Planet. The brand presents a certain lifestyle and a proactive approach to environmental protection. The unique features of Patagonia’s products are, first and foremost, offering clothes made from organic textile materials that meet the standards of Fair Trade certification. In addition, 1% of the profit from product sales is donated to environmental charities. Patagonia has taken a green approach that follows to create its unique brand vision.


Its message is Enabling the world to design and allows its users to feel that any person who goes to Canvas website and creates an account will gain many opportunities for hands-on learning, preparing lessons for students, implementing a project taking part in training, testing various solutions, joining an affiliate program.

The USP (Unique Selling Proposition) that makes Canva even more attractive to consumers is that it provides almost all of its services for free. The marketing strategies of the company, such as Canvas affiliate program, free design courses and a 30-day free trial period, act as add-ons and help the company grow and gain popularity.

Advantages of a unique selling proposition

Does defining your USP help you grow your business? Yes, on many levels.

  • More sales – with a good USP, the brand is recognizable and evokes positive emotions, so consumers will be more likely to decide to buy your product
  • Acquire loyal customers – by presenting certain values that your target audience identifies with, they will be more engaged in building a community
  • You gain a competitive advantage among market rivals
  • You can use USP if you intend to apply for funding from EU funds, private investors, or investment programs. If possible, join independent organizations that promote and finance businesses. A unique selling proposition will provide an “argument” to support your venture.
unique selling proposition

Unique selling proposition – summary

A unique selling proposition is the basis for building a strategy for any business that can determine the success of the company. It facilitates the engagement of your chosen target audience, and it is also worth running SEO (if possible). Still, keep in mind that your product does not have to be unique in its form, the key is to convey value and benefits to the prospective user.

Read also: How to write a perfect marketing brief in 4 simple steps

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Author: Andy Nichols

A problem solver with 5 different degrees and endless reserves of motivation. This makes him a perfect Business Owner & Manager. When searching for employees and partners, openness and curiosity of the world are qualities he values the most.