What is EEIA model and what to write to sell? How is it that some posts are interesting to our fans, others go unnoticed? Better to focus on building your fanbase or engaging with your posts? Let’s take a brief look at the EEIA model which describes how network marketing works. It is simple to build and easy to remember.

What is EEIA model and what to write to sell?


First things first – we need people to communicate with. A very important element is the answer to the question: who do we want to talk to. Getting fans is very easy. We can buy ads on Facebook so that people from the selected target group will like us, or to buy fans. The organization of the contests with an obligatory liking of the page will also provide us with a good base in a short time. People follow various fan pages without any reflection.

You have to focus not so much on acquiring new fans, but those you need: potential new customers, people interested in your brand, existing customers, and so on. So it’s not about a long-range, but a good range. Random people who like our page don’t help us. They’re not engaged, lower the reach of posts, are more demanding, and less connected with your company. So before you figure out a way to get fans, ask yourself, are they the ones I need?


The second element of the EEIA model is “engagement”.When we have someone to talk to, it’s worth establishing a conversation. Engagement is important for two reasons: it affects the reach of our posts and helps to influence customers. It’s easy to fall into the trap of empty engagement again: not every like, share, or comment makes sense. “Like it, if you enjoy sleeping” does not bind the customer to our brand in any way unless we are a manufacturer of sleeping mattresses. At least once a day I read on the social media group complainings that the ranges are falling. The two main reasons for this are the excessive collection of useless fans and unnecessary posts.

Remember that fans follow you not because they are insanely interested in company news or getting your product catalog in pieces on Facebook. They are looking for content that may be valuable to them. They want to share emotions and experiences with similar ones and have a good time.

what is eeia model


The activity and commitment, to which we encourage our fans serve one purpose – to influence them. If we persuade someone to participate in something, we have a chance that that person will remember our message. We need to influence our potential customers to change their behavior.

So instead of calling the hotline, they wrote a post on Facebook, and instead of a competitor’s product, they chose ours. To enlarge the shopping cart, share the idea, start to perceive your brand differently – whatever it is, you have to influence the individual on the other side of our conversation.


The final element of the EEIA model is “action”. You invest time, money, other resources, knowledge, and skills to make a profit. However, not all activities directly converse into earnings or cost reduction. You want to feel that your actions are paying off.

Does a large number of fans is effective? This is the permission to potentially display content advertising your brand.

A thumb up under your post? Sometimes an expression of approval, other times a note that they have read the content.

Facebook is not a cheaper equivalent of television, where you want to display your ad to as many people as possible. You shouldn’t treat it as a better newsletter and think that if you add a link to your store it will suddenly start a shopping spree.

Social media is much more similar to public relations understood as relations with people. If you start to wonder what may be interesting for your audience and try to engage them in discussions, you will soon find out that there will be a change on many levels. However, remember that any change takes time. Read more about social media strategy.

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Author: Zofia Lipska

With over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, Sophia not only knows the rules of this industry but above all knows how to break them in order to achieve outstanding and creative results.