Ownership mentality – do you know, how to create it within your team? In today’s times more and more often we talk about the responsibility for our actions, playing the role, and the decision-making process. Implementation of such procedures is possible only when in the team there is a rightly established organizational culture. What are the methods to improve the ownership mentality in your team?
How to create an ownership mentality – table of contents:
- Ownership mentality definition
- Transparency
- Delegate tasks
- Constructive feedback
- Appreciate the initiative
- Ask questions
- Summary
Ownership mentality definition
Each leader would like to have fully engaged individuals in his team. Such people should believe in the goal of the activities, and they should show the initiative and motivation to give as much as possible. Each team member wishes to feel that his work has meaning and brings an important contribution to the development of the company, project, or technology.
It will be possible when we will take care of the development of the ownership mentality in the team. This type of mentality among the employees can bring many positive outcomes, such as efficient task performance (speed up of the process due to independence), higher morale among employees (thank to the trust of the leader), and better opportunities to introduce innovations (due to the courage in unconventional thinking).
Moreover, the culture of ownership may become a distinctive advantage of the business, that attracts new employees, at the same time giving the reason to the present employees to stay with the company. How then built an ownership mentality in the team?

To create an ownership mentality you have to remember the transparency of all your operations. Starting with the strategies, through tactical, operational, and strategic goals, and reasons for key decisions – sharing this type of information allows to increase the sense of certainty and security. All of this will enable them to show initiative in the future and take responsibility, accordingly to their needs.
Strategic problems that result from the aforementioned factors and appear in human resources management are, above all, optimization of employment level and structure, building a competence matrix, shaping of appropriate organizational structure, implementing an effective incentive system and developing individual career paths. HRIS software is a tool that will significantly reduce, and even eliminate these problems.
Delegate tasks
It is obvious that a good manager leads the team and does not perform menial tasks. There are situations when the leader forgets about this rule. Micro-management does not support independence, hence the right task delegation and decisions is one of the basic elements, that are necessary to build an ownership mentality.
The control over the special parts or the elements of the project allows us to get great results (provided the choice of a person, that shows leadership skills). It is worth starting with smaller aspects and gradually expanding employees’ responsibility.
Constructive feedback
The feedback should be positive when the tasks are performed correctly, as well as when the employee shows great ideas or makes the right decisions. Sometimes feedback should be negative when the need arises.
The feedback is the basic way to show the members of your team that you trust them and you know, that they will be able to make the right decisions while taking full responsibility for the specified task. Moreover, expression of appreciation can influence all of the team members.
Appreciate the initiative
In the culture of ownership, there has to be a space that allows all team members to share their ideas on a larger forum. The employee should be fully aware that he will listen and his ideas will be taken into consideration, the team will make the decision together.
It is easier to build an ownership mentality when the employees have an impact to create resolutions and can implement the ideas (with the use of the support, knowledge, experience, and skill of the leader).
Ask questions
What do you think about this problem? What can we do in this situation? What solution is best? – these are just examples of the question that make your team members believe that you considering their opinion.
When you regularly hear such questions the confidence of team members increases, and at the same time the eagerness to express their own opinions and a sense of responsibility and commitment. This way you can expect increased performance while working on a project. The sense of ownership shown by the employee undoubtedly can help the company to reach higher effectiveness.
Ownership mentality in your team – is it possible? Undoubtedly it is worth investing time in building a higher ownership mentality among your employees. Higher morale of the employees, ability to do more advanced projects. The such atmosphere in the team may be created in many ways – find the one best suited for your organization and implement it in the right form, then see the positive results.
Read also: 9 effective ways to recruit employees.
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Author: Nicole Mankin
HR manager with an excellent ability to build a positive atmosphere and create a valuable environment for employees. She loves to see the potential of talented people and mobilize them to develop.