Job shadowing is a practice of training made by observation of other people’s work. During that process a trainee accompanies another worker during all day-to-day tasks at work. The mere observation is not enough, the trainee may ask questions, express own opinions and discuss important work matters with the person, who is being followed.
Job shadowing – content of the article:
Who should take part in job shadowing?
During the job shadowing, prospective employee doesn’t take part in typical apprenticeship program or internship. This employee observes the work of individual, who already possess desired position. The trainee accompanies more experienced employee not only during day-to-day tasks but additionally during meetings and conferences.
Work shadowing is perfect for individuals, who enter the job market or change their career path. This technique of training gives the individual the possibility to check if the position and tasks will suit them. It helps to determine if the choice of career made is well-fitting.
Thanks to work shadowing, the prospective employee may accustom himself with organizational culture and sense the atmosphere at the company. It is an important feature of job shadowing because it is not possible to gain such insights during typical recruitment process.
Job shadowing method is not limited only to the employees starting or changing their career. Any individual may be trained with this method especially before: getting a promotion, moving to another department in the company or either moving to a position of superiority.
The individual involved in the process of watching has a chance to observe how in reality tasks are being performed, which poses quite useful experience.

Job shadowing – benefits for the employer
Direct observation of the prospective position allows candidates to understand the requirements of the job and adjust to those requirements. Since job shadowing provides much broader experience than reading a job description it can be seen as particularly beneficial form of recruitment.
During the work shadowing candidates may find out if their skills match their career field of interest and may decide whether or not they want to apply for the position in question.
The benefit for the employer is obvious since the company may choose between only those candidates who really posses all the required skills and competencies. Shadowing type of learning allows to find out more about the work atmosphere and culture of the company, which diminishes the hazard of future employee’s disappointment and possible resignation.

Read also: How to find the right candidate in 5 steps
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Author: Nicole Mankin
HR manager with an excellent ability to build a positive atmosphere and create a valuable environment for employees. She loves to see the potential of talented people and mobilize them to develop.