The fashion for running newsletters seems endless. Invitations to join more communities are pouring in from all sides. But are mailing lists still at a premium? How to build a newsletter for affiliate marketing and make it successful? We suggest proven methods!
How to create a newsletter for affiliate marketing? – table of contents:
- Mailing list – what is it actually about?
- E-mail marketing is legit
- Always by choice
- Gain contacts
- In a word about creation techniques
- Newsletter for affiliate marketing – this is what you need to know about!
Mailing list – what is it actually about?
A mailing list is nothing more than a list of contacts collected in one place. It allows you to stay in constant contact with your users. Perhaps you have had the opportunity to share an email address with a brand or private author. Is the content you receive valuable to you? Or are these kinds of messages rather unnecessary and annoying spam? Sharing a contact is certainly an opportunity for valuable content, yet there’s a risk of junk emails. An Internet mailing list is moving from traditional mail to the online world. It saves time, shipping costs and brochure production.
E-mail marketing is legit
Is e-mail marketing legal? By its very definition, yes. However, the law determines the sharing of even the most basic data online. The laws of the country in question speak of obligations and prohibitions. Begin creating a list by reading the current rules. Users must give specific consents to provide electronic services.
Always by choice
Users have the right to subscribe to your network – but they should be able to opt out just as easily. First – it is legal to do so. Second – it’s a way to be fair to the recipient. Putting the information and how to opt out in a prominent place will make it much easier for you to get more readers. Each of us wants to make our own decisions. Play the other side now. The option to unsubscribe can remain in the footer of your messages and the footer of your website, for example. Providing visible choices is a way to gain trust.
Gain contacts
You have finalized all the technical issues. You already know how to create legally. Then the crucial question arises – what to do to make users want to sign up? We suggest proven solutions.
- Pop-ups that recommend signing up for a newsletter are outworn. Get beyond that and show benefits: “Sign up and you’ll get a free e-book, a discount on your first purchase or an author’s guide will arrive in your mailbox each week.” Increasingly, there is a tendency from displaying a message (pop-up) every time a visitor enters the site and the exact opposite procedure – i.e. a message before you leave the site.
- An incentive to sign up for a newsletter may appear in the sidebar. Don’t litter this space and make the option fully visible all the time.
- Less common, yet full of potential, is an incentive to share your contact in the real world. Are you attending an industry trade show? Prepare surveys and business cards that enable you to exchange contacts. For instance, you can send one message thanking people for the meeting and inviting them to stay in touch.
- The newsletter information might also appear in the top bar of the page. However, this option requires a thoughtful design. The sidebar must not dominate the page.
- Don’t ask for too much data – perhaps an email and first name alone will suffice? The user must feel secure.
- Always use the CTA (Call to Action) mentioned in previous articles. Encourage traffic through messages – “do”, “sign up”, “try”.
- Make sure to highlight a professional and visually appealing message and sign-up form.

In a word about creation techniques
A fundamental question arises. How to create an opportunity to sign up for the list? What can be done to make the form easy to use and work flawlessly? Fortunately, you don’t need to be an engineer to design a list. The numerous programs available will guide you smoothly through the process. Among the most popular mailing systems are:
- Freshmail – lets you check results and statistics easily, as well as insert QR codes, the program is extremely popular,
- Mailchimp – offers a limited free version and works great as a mobile app for the newsletter creator,
- CleverReach – a well-known and enjoyed program that works well with the most popular website development platforms (Magento, WordPress, Prestashop, etc.).
- MailJet – a popular worldwide, cloud-based and browser-based program. Allows you to send up to 6,000 emails per month for free,
- GetResponse is our final suggestion. The respected and easy-to-use app many developers around the world work with. We could write more about it, but GetResponse is a solution for more experienced publishers with larger budgets.

Newsletter for affiliate marketing – this is what you need to know about!
All in all, we hope you know now the fundamentals of creating newsletter for affiliate marketing. This powerful ally lets you easily measure the effects of your efforts by placing special links to identify your website traffic to the advertiser’s site is coming from you.
Also, remember that getting contacts is one thing – now your job is to maintain a sizable number of subscribers. Build relationships; contact regularly but unobtrusively (e.g., 1-2 times a week) and tailor your content to your audience. Over time, you may segment your subscribers. What’s more, you should diversify content according to your audience, regulars or newcomers. Talk to users, make surveys and gather data about the expectations and needs of your audience. Take advantage of staying in touch, constantly strive to attract new subscribers and act so that they want to visit you!
That’s all you need to know about creating newsletter for affiliate marketing. Read our other articles about affiliate marketing, e.g. How to succeed in affiliate marketing? – 6 rules for success
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Author: Andy Nichols
A problem solver with 5 different degrees and endless reserves of motivation. This makes him a perfect Business Owner & Manager. When searching for employees and partners, openness and curiosity of the world are qualities he values the most.