B2C e-commerce and B2B e-commerce are necessary tools for all companies in today’s world of widespread Internet shopping. B2C and B2B sales platforms have their characteristics, but there are many differences and similarities between them. The entity that buys the product is the main difference in the case of B2C and B2B. What are the other differences? Read the article to find out more.

B2C and B2B e-commerce – key differences – table of contents:

  1. B2C e-commerce and B2B e-commerce
  2. B2B and B2C – differences
  3. Summary

B2C e-commerce and B2B e-commerce

B2B (business-to-business) e-commerce is a type of business that sells products from the company to the company. This is an ideal solution for the company that co-operates with several producers. This type of solution is frequently used by paper companies but recently has been used by all types of such entities.

On the other hand, B2C e-commerce is one of the most popular business models. It is just an online store and its shape is known to everybody. It is the form of detailed trade, in which companies offer their product to physical persons.

B2B and B2C e-commerce

B2B and B2C – differences

What are the differences between B2C and B2B e-commerce? The first is the value of the basket. In the B2C model, there are only several products involved for example a blouse and two pairs of trousers. In B2B model orders concern a few dozens of articles, that are being delivered with the use of trucks. It has an impact on the quota of the orders.

The buying with the use of the B2C platform is done privately, in the comfort of your own home. In the case of B2B, the purchasing decision is accepted by the people, who take decisions. Usually, those are the leader, the accountant, and the storekeeper. The characteristics of the platform require different types of access (some of the users can complete your order, others can preview the history of the purchases, or change the settings).

Both platforms have different types of price lists. In B2B practically every company has different: rates, paying options, and delivery methods – all of those are the result of long-term negotiations. On the other hand, in B2C business sometimes the specific group of clients receives discounts, usually loyalty discounts, similar to those received when one is signed to the newsletter.

The other distinctiveness is related to the repetition of the orders. Regular customers rarely buy the same item twice in a row. While on the B2B platform we see the same assortment being purchased all the time, only the quantity changes.

Business-to-business systems are frequently used on desktop computers, laptops, and tablets. The mobile version of the system is rarely needed – sometimes in exceptional circumstances. It is caused by the necessity and comfort because it is difficult via smartphone to handle the order that spreads over several hundreds of verses in the spreadsheet. There is a huge difference in the case of B2C. Particularly younger users like to buy articles over the phone. This is a huge saving of time, because they may do it whenever they are.

The subject of the delivery looks different in the case of B2C and B2B. In the case of B2C, the most popular option is the messenger, parcel machine, or pickup point. Clients are usually happy when the order is delivered the next day. The B2B sales offer the possibility to choose the right day and time of delivery. Delivery is the most important element of the sales process. To deliver on time the parcel has to be completed, transported, and picked up, all at the right moment and by the right people.

B2B and B2C e-commerce


Electronic trade consists of many different types of markets that connect the receiver and the seller throughout the whole sales process. There are many types of transactions that diverge accordingly to the target group, while the most prevailing is B2B and B2C sales platforms. Although they have specific common features, they are fundamentally different. The essential differences are related to the value of the basket, the price list, and the individuals responsible for the purchase orders.

Read also: What is e-commerce and who are online shoppers?

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Author: Martin Sparks

E-commerce enthusiasts which constantly digs around the internet in order to make sure he hasn’t missed any important information on the topic of starting and scaling profitable online stores.