HD (1-1-1)
Licence: Licence for this stock video Woman holding Iphone while picnicing is CC0. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the free stock video mockup even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Woman holding Iphone while picnicing - free stock video mockup is a royalty free stock footage. But crediting the author will be warmly welcomed :)
Woman holding Iphone while picnicing
Video of woman with red nail polish holding an Iphone while picnicing. The model is in the park, surrounded by summer fruits and green grass.
Check out other free video mockups with Apple devices while picnicing
- Woman with red nails using IPhone on the picnic – free mockup
- Woman typing on her MacBook – free mockup
Royalty free video, copyright free video and free stock footage. High-quality stock video free to use – you’re welcome!
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