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4288x2848 px


50.66 MB

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Licence: Licence for this free mockup PSD Sony Xperia Z3 is CC0. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the free mockup even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. Sony Xperia Z3 - free mockup PSD is a royalty free stock picture. But crediting the author will be warmly welcomed :)

Sony Xperia Z3 PSD mockup

Nice high resolution PSD showing a man holding SONY device. He is wearing a blue shirt and jeans. The man is sitting on the turquoise couch.

How to use it? You can use this stylish PSD mockup to showcase your mobile app, responsive website or brand identity in a natural and realistic way. Place your own design on the screen and your work will be done in moments

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This free mockup PSD is a royalty free stock picture. But crediting the author will be warmly welcomed 🙂

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