
4 most common UX mistakes and how to avoid them

Are you curious what are the most common UX mistakes? Good user experience means the ability to lead users to conversion by taking the shortest possible route. So if you notice that in spite of promisingly high traffic on your websites your customers are not completing the purchases, you are probably doing something wrong. Read on to get to know how to avoid it.

UX mistakes – table of contents:

  1. Long page load time
  2. Lack of a mobile-friendly website
  3. Not very intuitive navigation
  4. Too complicated procurement process

Previously we were writing about UX designer – what does he or she do and what exactly can bring to a company – if you haven’t read it, be sure to catch up! And today we’re gonna explain what are possibly the most common UX mistakes. Read on to learn how to avoid them!

Obviously, it’s not just UX that determines sales. Customers still pay attention primarily to the price, though it is slowly becoming a less crucial factor influencing sales in e-commerce. Trust in the brand has also gained significance, as successful brands these days foster it, just as they put a lot of effort into customer feedback.

Conversion in a nutshell, however, is the culmination of a successful customer journey. According to the Harvard Business Review, a successful journey requires no effort on the part of the recipient. Customers have neither the time nor the inclination to cut through the hoops in search of what they need. Above all, they have plenty of choices to see other offers and browse for alternatives.

The most common UX mistakes

Long page load time

Users, especially mobile ones, are impatient. So if your page takes longer than 4 seconds to load, most of them won’t wait until it does. A slow page load time is the first of several factors that can negatively affect your users’ experience and cost you conversions. You must make sure that your page loads within a few milliseconds at best.

Lack of a mobile-friendly website

Traffic generated via mobile devices is already half of all Internet traffic, so optimizing your website for different devices should not be underestimated. Especially since Google takes mobile content into account when determining the position in the search engine. The lack of a mobile version of the website is not only a UX fail but also an SEO one.

Not very intuitive navigation

The user must not be forced to figure things out. A good website is clear and easy enough to navigate that even a newcomer should in no time find a way. Therefore, decide which elements on your website are key and highlight them with appropriate colors, size and place them properly on the page.

Too complicated procurement process

Red tape, long forms to fill, the need to register, or a sparse number of available payment options are other UX mistakes that discourage you from completing the transaction. Make the shopping process as smooth and seamless as possible.

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Author: Klaudia Kowalczyk

A graphic & UX Designer which conveys into design what cannot be conveyed in words. For him, every used color, line or font has a meaning. Passionate in graphic and web design.

Klaudia Kowalczyk

A graphic & UX Designer which conveys into design what cannot be conveyed in words. For him, every used color, line or font has a meaning. Passionate in graphic and web design.

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